Also a communications strategistwith a notable background in media / public relations, social media content strategy and management, and branding.
If you like what I do, please say hello!
& yes! I adopted my cat from SPCA Singapore. ︎

A collection of my written and edited works across the digital landscape.How can we protect what we don’t know? A deep dive into why new species discoveries are so crucial.Species all over the world are declining at harrowing rates - driven by a mix of factors such as climate change and other human activities. But, there’s a bright light on the horizon.
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS, Money FM 89.3—WWF's latest report reveals that 234 new species were discovered by scientists in the Greater Mekong region back in 2023, including 173 species of vascular plants, 26 reptiles, 17 amphibians, 15 fishes and three mammals...
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Book a hotel, protect endangered species: How your holiday can now support conservation in South-east AsiaWWF’s innovative partnership with Agoda transforms travel into a powerful tool for ecosystem protection across the region’s richest natural habitats
THE BUSINESS TIMES—IN SINGAPORE, a dedicated team of 156 volunteers trawl local e-commerce platforms for hours each month – not to hunt for bargains but to spot signs of illicit wildlife trade.
This group flagged thousands of listings across various species, leveraging skills acquired through the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Singapore’s Cyber Spotter Programme. The initiative equips volunteers with the expertise to screen, identify and report potential illegal wildlife trade activities online, significantly boosting efforts to protect endangered species...
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Time to raise awareness about pangolin poaching in SingaporeLaw enforcement and prosecution for crimes involving these critically endangered species should align with the severity of their impact on the animals.
THE STRAITS TIMES—The pangolin is the most trafficked mammal in the world.
Over the past 10 years, an estimated million of them were poached globally, mostly for their meat and scales. Singapore, which is home to one of the eight species of the animal, has not been spared from this illegal trade. Researchers estimate there are slightly over 1,000 Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) in the Republic...
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Bringing a Second Cat Home
Making Room for More: A Guide to Adopting a Second Pet Cat

Introducing a new furry friend to your home can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it is crucial to prepare and anticipate any potential challenges. In this article, Sihan Ng shares her firsthand account of adopting a second pet cat and the steps she took to ensure a smooth integration with her existing feline companion...
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High Rise Syndrome
Save Our Cats From Falling

High Rise Syndrome (HRS) is when an animal suffers injuries due to having fallen from height. Often, it is unintentional and happens because of slipping or losing their footing. Falling from as low as the second floor can cause severe injuries and trauma, or even death...
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Mental Health Benefits of our Furry Family
The Comfort of Companionship

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Single and Mingle with Shelter Animals

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